Health 4 Relationships - Gabrielle Lawrence, PhD


   • EMDR
   • Explosive Disruptive Children
   • Marriage and Family Therapy
   • Divorce Adjustment Therapy
   • Forensics in the areas of Divorce
        and Bereavement
   • Parent-Child Reunification
   • Parenting Education
   • Child and Adolescent
   • Play Therapy
   • Traumatic Loss
   • Bereavement/ Grief Therapy
   • Sexual Abuse
   • Anxiety Disorders
   • Depression
   • Personality Disorders
   • Somatic Experiencing Therapy
   • DBT
   • CBT
   • Theraplay
   • Neurointegrative Re-education
   • Expert Witnessing

Intentional Coupleship:

A mindfulness/Skillbuilding/ Psychoeducational Model for Helping couples Find Health, Harmony and Joy in Relationships

Coupleship often triggers early, attachment working models that embody expectations of threat, deficit, negative self perceptions projected on to the other and patterns of emotional dysregulation. When needs are not met and deficit is experienced, the perception of threat can trigger the dysfunctional working model and lead the couple into the downward spiral of conflict and defensiveness that frequently leads to divorce. The primary goals of the Intentional Coupleship model is to teach couples mindfulness based meditation techniques, that will help them gain awareness/insight related of self and of others and to provide them with a armory of relationship skills. These skills focus on learning to self calm, to manage intense, negative emotions, to clearly identify, communicate and negotiate relational needs and to create connection that is comfortable and satisfying. This workshop will outline the model and provide experiential opportunities for learning it.

Please contact Dr. Lawrence to speak to your group.

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